COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Updates


Eviction Status Updates by State as of March 20th

Rhode Island has suspended evictions till Mid April as per the following;


Federal Tax Day from April 15 to July 15. All taxpayers and businesses will have this additional time to file and make payments without interest or penalties. Rhode Island has provided the same extension (


HUD has announced a 60 day suspension on foreclosures for federal loans. This will not apply to private or hard money finance.

SBA Disaster Loans and Other RI Short Term Finance

For those with commercial tenants, below is a link to the Commerce RI site that is tracking emergency funding within the state, including city incentives like Pawtucket.

Below is a link to the Federal Emergency SBA Loan application sites.

As always, stay safe, keep an eye on your neighbor and if I can assist with call me on (401)-252-0000 or if you just want to have a chat face to face, we can always schedule a Zoom call.